Hello All!
Wishing everyone a happy, safe and prosperous new year. Our club has been steadily growing and getting stronger with every meeting. As it grows, I also see the members getting closer as I witnessed at the holiday party, with many talking to each other at the fish auction, raffle table, and of course over the two six-foot heroes with all the fixings and dessert cakes. Speaking of the holiday party, it was amazing and the best we have had so far! I see a great future in our club, and I thank all the members who participate, and especially the ones who help me set up and take down the meeting.
Click here to see pictures from the meeting. The fish show champion of the year award went to Buzz who just so happens to also be our fish show chairman and is doing a great job. There were many show quality fish in our fish auction, which boasted over 125 items, one of our largest auctions ever. Our basket raffle had fifteen items that I had collected over the past few months on the internet, even a yellow submarine ornament that was won by one of our youngest members whose father and grandfather are also in the club. The holiday meetings’ center of attraction was two six-foot heroes, salads, and the desert pies. The pies were donated by one of our members and the heroes came from a fellow fish hobbyist I have known for many years who owns Nino’s deli in Smithtown, and he always does a good job for us.
The presenter I had lined up for the next meeting won’t be able to make it, so I am working on something else. There will be a fish show, and I want members to participate even more this year. Small wooden trophies will be awarded first place. Our regular raffle, fish auction and of course refreshments. If anyone has any questions or fish problems come to me before the meeting or ask questions when I open the floor before we start the presentation.
Tom Keegan