Next Meeting
Friday, Jan. 17

December 2024 Meeting Report
Hello All!
Wishing everyone a happy, safe and prosperous new year. Our club has been steadily growing and getting stronger with every meeting. As it grows, I also see the members getting closer as I witnessed at the holiday party, with many talking to each other at the fish auction, raffle table, and of course over the two six-foot heroes with all the fixings and dessert cakes. Speaking of the holiday party, it was amazing and the best we have had so far! I see a great future in our club, and I thank all the members who participate, and especially the ones who help me set up and take down the meeting.
Click here to see pictures from the meeting. The fish show champion of the year award went to Buzz who just so happens to also be our fish show chairman and is doing a great job. There were many show quality fish in our fish auction, which boasted over 125 items, one of our largest auctions ever. Our basket raffle had fifteen items that I had collected over the past few months on the internet, even a yellow submarine ornament that was won by one of our youngest members whose father and grandfather are also in the club. The holiday meetings’ center of attraction was two six-foot heroes, salads, and the desert pies. The pies were donated by one of our members and the heroes came from a fellow fish hobbyist I have known for many years who owns Nino’s deli in Smithtown, and he always does a good job for us.
The presenter I had lined up for the next meeting won’t be able to make it, so I am working on something else. There will be a fish show, and I want members to participate even more this year. Small wooden trophies will be awarded first place. Our regular raffle, fish auction and of course refreshments. If anyone has any questions or fish problems come to me before the meeting or ask questions when I open the floor before we start the presentation.
Tom Keegan
Here’s a Google link to the location:

December Holiday Meeting
Yes, our holiday party is this Friday the 20th! Hard to believe that the new year is upon us in just a couple of weeks. We are going to have heroes, salads, and all the fixings as usual. There will be a dollar-a-bag fish auction where one dollar goes to the club and the rest of the money you get to keep. Bring fish, lots of fish! Make room in your tanks or set up another to make sure you’ll have space for all the great fish that will go in this auction. Many times, I have set up a five-gallon pail or two before an auction to put fish that I won into when I get home. The next couple days I will try to figure where I am going to put them which is most times difficult LOL.
There will be no fish show, but the winner of this year’s show will be announced. I thank all those who participated and the clock will be resent for the next meeting in January, so be ready and line up some fish for the year. As they say, you have to be in it to win it, plus it’s nice to see show fish during the meetings.
In my craziness and trying to do new things the raffle will be totally different this time. I ran my idea past Nick, and he agreed that we should give it a try. I will announce how it will run at the party. I think it will be fun, and you will be able to even win something for someone else and gift it to them.
If possible, try to arrive early so we can talk and have more time to put fish in the auction and set up. I will be there at 6:30 for those that want to help or talk. I would like to start around 7:30 instead of 8. If you cannot make it by then no problem. I know it’s a busy time of year, but this will be some relaxation before the last-minute shopping weekend. Sometimes it seems like there is not enough club time to mingle and talk and besides this is the holiday meeting!!
Here’s a Google link to the location:

Nov. Meeting Report
Hello All,
We had another fun meeting! There were a lot of moving parts and Nick, our treasurer, had his hands full between Polo shirts, Fish Food, Raffles and of course the fish auction. Elections were held which went very fast considering nobody else ran except the incumbents. We also had more new members join, and they were impressed with the club and all the things we do! The presentation by Tony Siano about his raising of guppies and angels in his fish room was informative. It was nice to see his fish room where he breeds and takes care of his fish.
The Ken’s fish food we are offering for sale was a big hit! Bigger than Nick and I anticipated. For the next meeting we will expand the line to include some other items. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to call or email me. If I do not get back to you in two or three days do not hesitate to reach out again. Many of your emails go into my junk folder the first-time emailing. Also remember that our polo shirts are in and for sale. I would like to see people wear them to the meeting and outside the meeting too. You would be surprised how many people are into fish but do not know about us.
The winners of the fish show were Ray taking second and third with his guppies. He raises some amazing guppies and has been doing it for years. Carla took first with a spectacular Praecox Rainbow. One of the most colorful of all the rainbowfishes. I am working on getting bowls for the fish show. I understand that they are in short supply and quite expensive. I have a lead on getting them much cheaper but need some input as to how many people want one or two and what size. Call or email me before the next meeting.
Our next meeting is our Annual Holiday Meeting. We are going to try something different with our big item raffle. Also, it is our dollar a fish bag auction where you get to keep all the proceeds from the fish auction except one dollar that goes to the club. Please bring fish. Save the date December 20th! See you there!!
To see photos from the Nov. Meeting, click here. Our next meeting is Friday, Nov. 15. See you then.
Tom Keegan
Here’s a Google link to the location:
Meeting Location:
AMVETS Post 48
660 Hawkins Avenue
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779