Now that Thanksgiving is over, and I hope everyone had a good time getting together with family and friends.  Now it is time to talk about the next holiday!  Our fish group will have its Holiday Party on December 15th at our regular meeting date.  We will have heroes, salads and of course some sort of dessert.  There will be a can raffle of some special larger items like LED lights, Filters, and other items.  The fish auction will be One Dollar Style.  What this means is that the club gets one dollar per bag, and you get the rest of the proceeds.  I hope that this will prompt people to bring even more fish to the party and you will be able to bid on and win more fish!!  There will also be a fish show so bring in a fish you either bred or grew in your tank.  The judges are the members that come that night, ie your fish peers.

Our last meeting was amazing.  Our fish auction included a twelve-inch Arowana and some other different fish donated by Aqua Hut who always supports our club.  There were also some amazing angelfish and other fish that our members bred brought in and I thank them.  It’s exciting to bid on and win fish in the auction.  We had a large turnout, and many members paid their dues for the year.

The holiday party is free to members and if you want to bring a guest it will cost five dollars paid at the door.  We ask that you limit it to one guest because our venue is not that large.  Membership is only twenty for the year and we had a lot join and the last meeting.  I NEED to know if you are coming and if you are bringing a guest by DECEMBER FOURTH please.  Email only me at  You can also pm me on Facebook.  I will be the only one keeping track, so it does not get confusing.  I want to make sure I do not have to cut the hero into smaller pieces if too many people come. LOL


Tom Keegan