November 2024 Meeting

November 2024 Meeting

We are going to have a very busy meeting with elections, club shirts, and flake food. There will also be a small presentation that I’m keeping as a surprise starring one of our club members. Also, our usual, door prize, fish show, raffle, fish auction and of course refreshments. Please bring fish for the show and auction.

For our election, if everyone runs unopposed, then there will be no need to have ballots and voting. There are some open spots that I would like to fill and will explain during the meeting, if someone wants to step up for those spots just give me a shout. Nefes and I have been actively campaigning and I welcome any opposition lol.

We ordered three different types of Ken’s premium flake food that we will be selling at a lower price than you can buy it from Ken’s because we ordered it in bulk. There will also be pleco tabs available.

Link to the Fish Show Rules

Here’s a Google link to the location:

Oct. Meeting Report

Oct. Meeting Report

Hello All!

Our last meeting went well, as usual. I was very happy with the fish show.  We had many entries.  The raffle and the fish auction were also amazing.  Sorry I didn’t have the T-shirts on time, but I will have them for the next meeting.  They came out nice and I think you’ll like them. They will be $25 each and I have enough of all the sizes

This next meeting we will also hold elections for all the positions.  If you would like to run for a position or nominate somebody for a position, we will do that before the voting.  The voting will be done by paper ballot.  If everybody is running unopposed, then we don’t need an election.  I will be nominating people for certain positions. Hopefully they will accept.

The club has ordered flake food to sell at the meeting, so you do not have to pay shipping.  There will be tropical flakes, angel flakes and guppy flakes.  We will also have pleco tabs for sale.  The angel flake is really a cichlid flake, and the guppy flake can be used for all live bearers.  The pleco tabs are also excellent for baby fish to pick on all day

At our last meeting we had a tremendous fish show with over 12 entries.  The winners were as follows: Evelyn with 1st and 2nd with her show bettas, and Buzz taking 3rd with one of his amazing killifish.

Jeff gave an excellent presentation on selling on Aquabid and packing and shipping fish.  It was an interesting and informative presentation, and I think most people learned a lot from it.  Jeff also brought in jujubes from his garden.  It’s an interesting fruit and the whole bowl was gone before the end of the meeting.

To see photos from the Oct. Meeting, click here. Our next meeting is Friday, Nov. 15. See you then.

Tom Keegan

Link to the Fish Show Rules

Here’s a Google link to the location:

Oct. 18 – Jeff Bollbach – How to Buy and Sell on Aquabid

Oct. 18 – Jeff Bollbach – How to Buy and Sell on Aquabid

Long time LIAS member Jeff Bollbach will talk about how to buy and sell on the auction website Aquabid. Aquabid can be a powerful resource for acquiring and selling fish that you don’t see in our LIAS auctions.  Learn all the tips and tricks.

We will also have the usual Fish Show, Raffle, Fish Auction and of course Refreshments. Tom Keegan will talk about how the next year will be laid out. Member dues will start to be collected for the year. The dues help to pay for the venue and other fun things for the club. The Meeting will start at the usual time around 7:30-8:00, but we always appreciate people who get there at 7:00 to help set up.

Link to the Fish Show Rules

Here’s a Google link to the location:

October 2024 Meeting

October 2024 Meeting

Next Meeting – Friday, Oct. 18, Speaker: Longtime LIAS member Jeff Bollbach

Hello All,

I know I have been late in getting out my meeting letters and I usually like to send two, one right after the meeting and another just before. This letter may serve as both. I will be better at the letters in the winter when I do not have as much outside work to do.

Our first meeting of the year was great as usual, and I am looking forward to our future meetings. I laid out our plans for the future this year, but of course nothing is written in stone and can and will probably change. Dues will be collected at the next meeting, and I hope to also have our club shirts! Also, I hope people are thinking about running for spots in our November election. I am always grateful for all the help I get during the meeting which makes it much easier for me. There is a lot of set up that goes into the meeting beforehand, so when I get there, it is a relief that the help is there.

I know our first meeting was a mingle meeting just to get the ball rolling again. I opened the floor to any questions or problems, and nobody had any. We are fish keepers, and I know we always have problems. I started talking about my problem and it turned into a discussion and a bunch of email questions afterwards. For future meetings if you have a problem or a question, give it to me before the meeting. This is how we all learn from each other.

The raffle, fish auction, and fish show went off without a hitch. Our usual treasurer was on vacation, so John and his wife were a great help. John did the treasury, and his wife helped me set up the refreshments. Buzz did double duty, which was exhausting for him, being not only the fish show chairman, but the fish auctioneer because Ed was on Vacation. Nefes, our vice president helped with check-in because Peter was running late. Tracy, Carla, and Tiffany helped me sell and pick the raffle tickets. It was great to have all the alternate help. Of course, Ray is always there first helping me set up with other early arrivals.

Click here to go to the photos of the meeting, including pictures of the fish show winners, namely Ray who took second and third and Buzz with the first. Speaking of pictures, we need more for our calendar. I would really like to make the calendar, and the end of this month is the deadline. Send me pictures for the calendar and any questions you have for the next meeting.

The Meeting will start at the usual time around 7:30-8, but always appreciate the people that get there at 7:00 to help me set up.

Tom Keegan

Link to the Fish Show Rules

Here’s a Google link to the location:

Meeting Location:

AMVETS Post 48
660 Hawkins Avenue

Ronkonkoma, NY 11779